Lecturer II|ND, B.Sc., M.Eng. (Elect/Elect Engineering)
Electrical Engineering
National Diploma & Higher National Diploma
Research Interest
Stability of Power Systems, Renewable Energy, FACTS Controllers and Optimization of Hybrid Energy Systems
Teaching Areas
Electrical Power and Machines, Introduction to Control Engineering, Testing Method and Reliability Engineering.
Selected Publications
1. Adeniji O.A. & Mbamaluikem P.O. (2017). “Voltage Stability Enhancement and Efficiency Improvement of Nigerian Transmission System using Unified Power Flow Controller” American Journal of Engineering Research, Vol. 6(1) 37 – 43.
2. Adeniji O.A. & Fadare S.A. (2017). Renewable solar energy Utilisation by domestic consumers in Nigeria: challenges and solutions. International journal of engineering sciences & research Technology, 6(11), 434 – 439
3. Okoye, C. U., Adeniji, O. A., & Sunmonu, A. O. (2017). A study and performance evaluation of Olorunsogo thermal Power plant in Nigeria. International journal of engineering sciences & research technology, 6(12), 151-157.
4. Adeniji O.A., Olowofela S.S. & Omolola S.A. (2016). “Impact Of Step B Equipment On Research Work In Education Sector: Investigating The Performance Characteristics Of A Shaded-Pole Motor” Journal of Academic Staff Union Polytechnics, Vol.1(1), p101-107
5. Fadare S.A. and Adeniji O.A. (2016). “Technical Analysis on Repair of LED Torchlight” International Journal of Engineering Sciences and Research Technology, Vol. 5(12)
Conferences Attended
1. First International Conference and Exhibition on Technological Innovation and Global Competitiveness held at The Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro, Ogun State, Nigeria with the theme “Knowledge and Technological Innovation for Global Competitiveness
5th to 7th November, 2018
2. Academic Staff Union of Polytechnics (ASUP) Ilaro Chapter 5th National Conference with the theme “Repositioning Nigerian Technological Education in the 21st Century
16th - 19th Oct. 2016
3. 2nd International Conference of YABATECH School of Engineering on the theme “Sustainable Solutions for Energy and Industrialization”
19th – 21st, July, 2016
4. 3rd National Engineering Conference of School of Engineering, The Federal polytechnic, Ilaro, Ogun State With the theme “Challenges of Energy, Transformation, Technical Education and transfer of Technology on Sustainable Economic growth in Nigeria”
7th – 10th March, 2016
5. Academic Staff Union of Polytechnics (ASUP) Zone C 2015 National Conference tagged Ilaro 2015 with the theme – Socio-Economic Challenges in a developing Nation: The Place Technical Education held at The Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro, Ogun State
Summary of Profile
I am a young lecturer specializing in Electrical Power and Machine within the Department of Electrical/Electronic Engineering, Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro, Ogun State. I obtained my B.Sc and M.Eng in 2006 and 2014 respectively both in Electrical/Electronic Engineering. I joined the services of the Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro Ogun State in October, 2009 as an Assistant lecturer and have risen to the position of Lecturer II since January, 2018. I have published over 10 articles in referred journals locally and internationally and attended a number of local conferences.
I have interest in Stability Studies of Power Systems using FACTS devices and integration of Renewable Energy. Recently, I have developed interest in Optimization of Hybrid Renewable Energy.